Sunday 29 September 2013

Friday Night Out

Friday Night Out

Margaret Gough held a night of line dancing at the Constitutional Club in  Prestatyn  North Wales,
it was good to get the members together outside of the normal room  class setting. When ever I go to the events and I'm facing a different way to start the dance it confusing because we get uses to starting from the same wall. Here are some pictures of  members that the event and  some of the dances we did. Other dances were the older like this and that, Fool the Devil, Memories Are Made of This. and many more.

Long Time Go  Amsterdam moonlight  My First Love Let's Pray 

 Margaret DJ Mix  Members some from Miriam Evens  Members from Country Roots Club  Everyone having a good time  Members from Country Roots Club

 Members from Country Roots Club  Members from Country Roots Club  Raffle Time  Picking a winner Raffle winner

Thursday 26 September 2013

Wednesday Dance Session

Wednesday Dance Session

On Wednesday we tried out the new dances it when quiet well as always there are some timing issues to sort out but on the whole it was OK. As I sit here writing this blog I like Dream Lover as a dance and the music it is from my teenage years. below are links to all the new dances

We have a night out on Friday at the Constitutional Club Ferns Ave it should be a good night out .


Tuesday 24 September 2013

New Dances Coming Up?

New Dances Coming Up?

Hello for the last few weeks the blog had been put on hold as we were doing revision of the recent dances we have learnt, as this wouldn't make for an interesting blog week after week I decided to wait until there was something to report. As we welcome home Margaret, we can look forward to learning some more dances, these are the two Margaret will teach in the near future.

Dream Lover...You Tube 
Dream Lover...Dance Sheet 

Last Saturday evening some members went to Alf Robert’s social night at Connha’s  Quay Civic Hall..
It was good to see Jim Ryder and his son James again good as ever.. played  some nice country songs lovely to sit and listen to. Also on the bill was  a Dee D James, who comes from Margaret neck of the  woods .(The Black Country) She entertained  the dancers with popular dances  like Mexi Fest  and Wagon wheel Rock also  some old favourites such as Ribbon of
Highway and Blue Rose Is. A good night was had by all...

Wednesday 11 September 2013

A Funny Thing Happened To Me


A Funny Thing Happened To Me

Well a funny thing happened to me a few days ago I was knocked over by a big lady in a supermarket I was fattened and hurt, so at the moment I can't do my line dancing. which is driving me mad, I suppose I lucky really because we are just going over all the recent dances we have learnt over the last few weeks. Dances like ....



Wednesday 4 September 2013

Time for Revision

Time For Revision 

Sometimes you need to go over the dances we have done recently so Monday and Wednesday we did just that   dances like

And then there are the older dances I walked about in a recent blog. A these likns are on the new Dance page or previous  blogs

Welcome to the Country Roots Blog In 2022

 Welcome to the Country Roots Blog, this is where I post new line dances that we do from week to week. The first dance is Martha Divine The...