Review Night
This week we had a review night for both beginners and advances dance alike. Mainly because the are so many new dances coming out every week, that we need a review night now and again. It give you the opportunity to relearn the dances that you are struggling with. It also help to relearn dances and maybe learn dances that you miss the first time around.
This this really helpful for the beginners as they can struggle to learn a dance but maybe don't like to ask.
Partner Dancing
In our Wednesday class we did a Partner Dance the one we did was Corn Don't Grow.
now I had never done a partner dance so it was interesting, and much harder than I could of imagine even thou we knew part of the dance because it is the same steps as the single dance. The problems start when you need to add in turns, and just dancing with someone else is hard. without a doubt partner dancing is a skill all of it own even thou I struggled I loved it and can't wait to do it again.