Welcome To Country Roots
Good morning members and visitors to our website.I thinks it's time we had a recap of our blog. This is where we post all the latest dances we do in our club, feel free to brows through other pages from our blogs from the past you can search via the labels at the bottom of the page just click a link.We also have a Facebook page as well, go to Country Roots Line Dance Club. and Twitter @countryrootrhyl our Email is countryrootslinedance@gmail.com if you have any question I will try and answer them.
The Beginners Learn Two New Dances
The success of the clubs new beginners class is moving on really well they learned two more dances this week the first one is a very old dance Wheels and Roses see the dance below the other new dance they were taught was Sea Cruse I love this dance it's quick ,snappy, that's what a line dances is all about. We also did some of the beginner dances they started with, such as | Ribbon Of Highway | Cowboy Strut |
Intermediate Class
We have a new dance the class did on Monday night called Heartless Heart by Diana Dawson 4 walls 32 count: see dance below for the dance, is OK but I think if we could find an Elvis Presley song it might go better I'm not sure yet? and late into Monday night we did an old dance called Dublyners Hoedown | I had never seen this dance but it was easy to pick up and I like it, there isn't a video of this dance just the dance sheet click the link. We also did many other dances new and old such as High Cotton | Mile Shy of Paradise | Piano Man |. If you like this blog please go to our Facebook page Country Roots Line Dance Club and comment if you are not a member and you are interested in Country Music or Line Dancing ask to join you will be most welcome.
Thank you and I will see you all at the next blog.