Tuesday 16 December 2014

Well It's Christmas Again.

Well It's Christmas Again.

Well as I say that time of the year is here again and it's time to look back at all the dances we have done this year. On Monday night Margaret Gough did a revision night going back to the start of the year.
January 2014
Joyride | wingman |Dixie Road


Lover’s Hideaway Alison Biggs| End of the rainbow| Baby Kisses | Fall in Love |
one shot| Blue Blue day | Bread on the table |Joyride | That’s where I’ll Be | silver Lining |
Blueberry Chill | A Little Bit Gypsy |
Eighteen lonely months  | North of Heaven | Love is a Live  Gaye Teather | Drunk at the time  Margaret Gough | Loving You In Mexico | Most Of You  Ria Vos |

Came out Like A rose | Come As You Are | Waikiki | Carters Rock | High Cotton |

( Reviewed  Amazing Faith) | Mona Lisa | ( Reviewed Sunny in Seattle ) | Boat to Liverpool | Backward ( from Britain has Talent really quick ) | Anything goes | Forget all your yesterdays | (reviewed Suds in a bucket) |
June ( Beginners) One step forward two steps back | Elvira | Cowboy Twist | Ribbon of highway |
Take me away | (Reviewed Holding back the Ocean) | This is me | No Man’s Land | When | Ball and Chain |
Mile Shy of Paradise | No hony tonk | Slat & Lime | Together forever |Piano Man | Gonna B Good | ( Reviewed Dangerous Curves) |

Makita | Waltz Till you Love Me |

Sea Cruise | Fading Lights | Crazy Lady |MR Mom | What become of the brokenhearted |

Down by the river | They call me the Breeze | Places I’ve Never Been| Shadowlands |

Morning Sun and Memories | Thats just Me | Champagne | Young Blood |Woman Trouble |
December is the same as November
there's too many to put links to but which was your favourite dance of this year mine was Come As You Are. I loved the Tempo  and the way the flowed. Let me know your  dance of 2014? 

All Classes have now stopped for the year But we open January 5th Starting with the Beginners at 6 PM.
Have a happy Christmas  and New Year

Thursday 4 December 2014

Quite Time Of Year

Quite Time  Of Year

This is  a quite time of year for us we done do any new dance  just learn the dances we have done.
There is end of year Social Night where we just done all the dances old and new. 
to help the Beginners we will do the basic dances along with the latest advance dances and everything in between. 

The Beginners Class

We will show the dances the beginners have been doing this week.
| Black Coffee | Cowgirl Twist | Cowboy Charleston | Invitation Stroll |

Lamtarra Rumba | Piano Man | Ribbon Of Highway | Stroll Along Cha Cha |

The Advances Class

Here are the dances they did this week. As again this is just going over the latest dances we have been doing over the last few week.

| Come As You Are| High Cotton | Joyride | Mile Shy of Paradise |

| Place I've Been | That's Just Me | They Call Me The Breeze |

| Morning Sun And Memories | Champagne |

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Line Dancing Is Not The Easiest thing To Do?

Line Dancing Is Not  The Easiest thing To Do?

Country Roots has had a lot of new beginners starting this week and I reminded me of the time I started I went to a Line Dance venue called Fort San Antonio Great Birchwood,Country Park, Lytham Road. I thought it looked great So I came home went to Margaret Gough's class, and my god did I struggle I could believe how hard it was to get your feet and legs to do the steps in time to the music. But I worked at it at home and started going three times a week and you get better, you start to relax when dancing, take smaller steps all these things help and eventually you find you can do the dances and you learn new dances more easier than you could before.  

 Beginners Class

Well as I said new people started so we went back to basics for half the lesson so I have found so long walk-through's for the new people to try at home. But we also had a new dance for the improver's called Back and Forth (click all links for dance sheets) nice little dance just enough to stretch them see all dances below. | Smokey Places | Cowgirl Twist | Cowboy Charston | How Long | Ribbon of Highway |

The Advance Class

The class has had some Tricky dance the last few weeks and in class last night ( Monday) we had another not so easy dance called Morning Sun and Memories I Think  I think it will alright when we are comfortable with the steps (Click links for Dance Sheets) other recent dances are That's Just Me and Champagne these two dances are coming easier now as they always do. see dances below.

We also did some of the older dance | Come as you are | Young Blood | This Is Me | and many others which are in earlier blogs just scroll back through the 64 other blog pages there is lots to see.
You can comment on this blog either by Email at  countryrootslinedance@gmail.com | Facebook  at Country Roots Line Dance Club Please let me know what think think of the blog thank and see you soon.

Thursday 13 November 2014

It's Important To Choose The Right Dances

It's Important To Choose The Right Dances

I have been looking at the top  line dances doing the rounds this  year. Because it is important to choose the dances that are being played at social nights, they is nothing worse than going to an event and finding out you don't know the dances that are being played on the dances floor. I have made a list of some of the dances we done this year and  looking over the different chart from pop to country the dances we do are in the charts.
Down To The River  |Dixie Road  |Young Blood   
A little bit Gypsy | Ball And Chain  | Boat to Liverpool 
Bread On The Table  | Boys Of Summer  |Blueberry Chill   |Blue Blue Day    
Came Out Like A Rose |Come As you are  | Champagne  | Crazy Lady      
FlyHigh |High Cotton | Joyride | Mile Shy of Paradise
Mona Lisa  |My First Love  | No Honky Tonk |Oh Fiona       
One Shot | Piano Man  | Push For The Stride |Where The corn Don't Grow |
Places I've Been  |This is Me  | That's where I'll be  |Thats just me       
They Call Me The Breez  |Sea Cruise  | Shadowlands  |Salt and Lime        
Shoebox | Same Thing Happened to me  | Silver Linings     
Woman Trouble  |Waltz Till I Love You  |A Different kind a man 

All the dance that are in heavy type are in one chart or another, wheather pop or Country this has been proven out when the members go away to meeting all over the country, the dances they know are the main dances on the dance floor. So Margaret Gough must be doing something right.

Saying Good Bye To An Old  Friend

On Wednesday 12th of November we say our farewells to Vera Williams who pass away last week. Her kin asked us if we could hold the wake at the club and do some line dancing in her memory, so that what we did, and there was fun and laughter just what Vera would wanted.

Beginners Class

 The beginners are starting to learn the dances that they have done over the last few weeks but to different music  this will help them to understand  that a dance is to BPM tempo and not fix to just one song. the dance Black Coffee was done to a slow  Eric Burdon The Animals song it was a slow rock song that when really well. We also did Sea Cruise and for the first time Shadowland This put them out of their comfort zone but that's dancing.

The Advance Class

 One of the new dances we are doing is Champagne it's not the easiest dance I've every done but I think the members are now getting to grip with the dance, see links to all dances below. the other new dance is  |That's just me | easier than champagne which helps. another dance which is making a come back in our club is Salt & Lime at first people did like it but it's dance in all the events where ever the members go. the other dances we have done recently are  |They Call Me The BreezeCrazy Lady |Mile Shy of Paradise | Push For The Stride | Where The corn Don't Grow |Woman Trouble .See link for dance sheets

Country Roots Has new Members

Country Roots Facebook page  has to  new members and they are both Choreographers they are Matt Vasquez we do a dance called  |Waltz Till I Love You | and the other member is Roz chaplin we do her dance | Places I've Been | and they are most welcome.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Beginners Review Night

This is a really sad occasion 

Vera Williams a long time member of Country Roots has pass away and it is a real shame ,she was a lovely lady always had a smile even when she wasn't well.

 Beginners Review Night

Weather you are an old hand at Line-dancing or a beginner you need nights where you just over the dances you have done. And this is what we did in the beginners class. we  have had  4 new people started in the last two weeks. so a walk-though will help them get started because to start line-dancing without any prior knowledge is hard.  Hear are some of the dances they did.


The Advance Class

The class did two new dances last night  along with a lot of our recent dances, the new dances were That's just me, nice dance when you know the steps it will work well (see Bellow) the other dance is called champagne, I think it's fair to say most people struggled with this last night but it is like any dance that is a bit tricky the more time we do the dance the better it will be, again  see below for a video walk-through. Other recent dances are They Call Me The Breeze  Places I've Been they ist'n a demo of this dance. Salt & Lime

 Remember to have fun when dancing

please give you feedback on facebook Country Roots Line Dance Clubor email me on countryrootslinedance@gmail.com

Sunday 19 October 2014

Why Do We Need A Web Present

Why Do We Need A Web Present

this ever growing world of technology where people can communicate on the move or sitting in a cafe, people want to be connected to the web. We have regular viewer's from all of the world look at our blog. because we are doing the latest dances I try to get the best walk-through's for the dances, and whether you're in UK or United Emirate in is interesting to see what the latest dances are. Recently we have Ladies from Hazel Pace line dance class came to us and ask if they could dance with us for the week there were saying in Rhyl and found us by looking on Google. and it is the same with our twitter account @countryrootrhyl  we have people from all walks of life following us and looking at the dances we do. I know some people say we don't need the internet we were fine without it but the isn't true unless you can find ways to interact with people and share the interests you have with other people the club we died. We need new people in all the time, this is why the beginner's class is really important as this is the first place to get new members into the club. This is where the blog and our Facebook Country Roots Line Dance Club  because the dances are up the people can learn a dance at their own pace.

Beginners Class 
They is still a good class and they are learning at a good rate, probably  a new dance every two weeks see the videos bellow.
and many more see other blogs for the beginner dances.

Advanced Class

This are some of the new dances we are doing lately They Call Me The Breeze by Gay Teather. I like the music I think the dance will be alright when you are comfortable with the steps. The other dance is called Places I've Been there isn't a video walk-through just the music and the dance steps at the moment.Crazy Lady is a quirky dance but I really like it.
Dance Steps   They Call Me The Breeze  Places I've Been    Crazy Lady  and many many more over the course of the night.

As always please give me your thoughts on Facebook at Country Roots Line Dance Club. or email me on countryrootslinedance@gmail.com

Tuesday 7 October 2014

The Lost Art Of Reading a Dance Sheet.

The Lost Art Of Reading a Dance Sheet.

Hello I was thinking back to when I started Line Dancing the only way to learn a dance  was the dance sheet where you went through the steps and then put the dance together that way. But now we have YouTube with dance troops giving us all these walk-through's of the latest dances, which is great I uses them all the time, and have lost the knack of read dance sheet, I can do a dance from the sheet but I find it easier to which the dance on YouTube. But last week week the wheels came of the bus because Margaret did two new dances which didn't have any videos of the dance so it was back to the dance sheet. And this taught me a valuable lesson to keep the skills of the past as well as using the new media that has come along in recent times.

The Beginner's Class

The Beginners are coming along really well every week they learn something new this week it was Black Coffee which to a sessoned veteron will be easy but when the dance is new to you it is hard to take in.  But the class did well they had the walk-through , we did the dance to the original music and then to a faster sound track, last week they were taught Tush Push, Wheels & Roses, along with a Simple Waltz , in the 8 weeks since this class has been running they have had a very speep leaning curve see below some of this weeks beginner's dances. 


The Advanced Class

The advance class had a revision night going over recent dances such as Down To The River this is a tricky dance lots of weight changes may be when we get the steps the dance grow on me in particular. The other dance that is a bit quriky is Crazy Lady see below for walk-throughs. The other dances we have been doing for a while. That last there is a video for Shadowlands ( see list below )  I will put a link to the dance sheet below the dances.
Crazy Lady Dance Sheet | Down To The River Dance Sheet | Shadowlands Dance Sheet See my other blogs for more walk-throughs
Thank you for looking at our Country Roots Blog Page Please leave any comments on here or on Facebook at Country Roots Line Dance Club Email me on countryrootslinedance@gmail.com or Twitter @countryrootrhyl  Thanks I will see you soon.

Thursday 25 September 2014

Why Do We Go To Class Every Week?

Why Do We Go To Class Every Week?

For me the answer is when we go to class and we learn new dances, it's the same as Athletes that go to their training ground two or three times a week and every few months they go to a track and field event. And all their hard work is put into practice, And I believe that going to your line dance club each week may be twice or more is our equivalent to someone running around a track so they can compete in an athletic event. we do the same when we go each week and then go to either big events like Welshpool, or what used to be Wolvestock  Country Music Festival, unfortunately cancelled this year. or you can go to your local social night out, the result is the same, all the dances you have worked so hard to learn, you put into practice and I personally think it feels great. So the next time you feel a bit tired or can't be bothered to go to your club think of the times when you are on a night out with members and say to yourself OK I will go.

The Beginners Class

We had three new members start in the beginners class on Monday ( 22 of  September) and once again I was reminded of just how hard line dancing is. People see a club doing a dance at a Social event and think that's easy I will have ago. but in reality it is quite hard when you start, because you are having to think of the steps, the beat, and a steep learning curve. But I must say to the members that started 6 weeks ago well done they have come on really well, which goes to show the three people that started this week it won't belong before they feel as if they are learning the dances.

Beginner Dances This week


Choreographed by Alison & Peter: TheDanceFactoryUK – August 2014 Tel: 01462 735778 Email: info@thedancefactoryuk.co.uk Website: www.thedancefactoryuk.co.uk  4 wall – 32 count beginner line dance Music: Sea Cruise – Showaddywaddy – start after 48 beaty intro on vocals – 2mins 59secs – 157bpm Available on iTunes and Amazon  
                                                                   Sea Cruise
1-8 R side shuffle, L back rock/recover, L toe step, R cross toe step 1&2 Step R side, step L side, step R side 3-4 Rock L back, recover weight on R 5-6 Touch toes L side, step L heel down 7-8 Cross touch R toes over L, step R heel down 

9-16 L side shuffle, R back rock/recover, ¼ R Monterey turn 1&2 Step L side, step R together, step L side 3-4 Rock R back, recover weight on L 5-6 Point R toes side, turning ¼ right step R together (3 o’clock) 7-8 Point L toes side, step L together  

17-24 Walk fwd 3, ½ R on R with L hitch, walk back 3, R side point 1-2 Step R forward, step L forward 3-4 Step R forward, hitching L knee turn ½ right on R (9 o’clock) 5-6 Step L back, step R back 7-8 Step L back, point R side 

25-32 R cross step, L side point, L cross step, R side point, R jazz box cross 1-2 Cross step R over L, point L side 3-4 Cross step L over R, point R side 5-6 Cross step R over L, step L back 7-8 Step R side, cross step L over R

Intermediate Class

 We did two new dances this week Fading Lights, and the other was Crazy Lady, 
Fading Lights is a nice easy dance just right for an improver dance. Crazy Lady, I really like this dance it's quirky you have to really listen to the beat and restarts, and a 7 count tag. there isn't a video out yet but I think there will one soon.

    Dance Sheet Fading Lights
We also did MR.MOM by Hazel Pace the problem is there are so many versions of this dance I will only offer the dance sheet not video clips. dance sheet MR.MOM  Dance Sheet Crazy Lady
I'm sorry I can't always get the video's to match the dance sheets. On Wednesday we did an old dance call What Became Of The Brokenhearted this is the only way I can get the dance sheet online

What Becomes Of the Brokenhearted Choreographed by Peter Metelnick & Alison Biggs, Oct 2004 Tel: 01727 853 041 petermetelnick@btinternet.com or alison.biggs1@btinternet.com Website: www.linedance.biz 4 wall – 32 count line dance; Improver level Music: What Becomes Of The Brokenhearted – Jimmy Ruffin (start on vocals), available  on numerous CDs If I Ever Break Your Heart – The Notorious Cherry Bombs (16 count intro – start dance 2 counts before vocals) – from the CD The Notorious Cherry Bombs Picture Of You – Boyzone (start on vocals)
1-8 R step touch, L full turn into L step touch, ¾ R turn 1-2 Step R to right side, touch L together 3-4 Turning ¼ left step L forward, turning ¼ left step R to right side 5-6 Turning ½ left step L to left side, touch R together 7-8 Turning ¼ right step R forward, turning ½ right step L back 

9-16 R step back, touch L together, L forward shuffle, R forward rock & recover, R coaster step 1-2 Step R back, touch L together 3&4 Step L forward, step R together, step L forward 5-6 Rock R forward, recover weight on L 7&8 Step R back, step L together, step R forward

17-24 L & R forward point crosses, L forward rock & recover with ¼ L, syncopated L box 1-2 Point L to left side, cross step L over R 3-4 Point R to right side, cross step R over L 5-6 Rock L forward, recover weight on R 7&8 Turning ¼ L step L to left side, step R together, step L forward 

25-32 R forward rock & recover, ½ R turning shuffle, L forward, ¼ R pivot turn, L cross shuffle 1-2 Rock R forward, recover weight on L 3&4 Turning ½ R step R forward, step L together, step R forward 5-6 Step L forward, pivot ¼ right 7&8 Cross step L over R, step R to right, cross step L over R

This has been an unusal blog this week, as so many of the dances are not on YouTube so bear with me and over the weeks some of the videos might come out on YouTube.
As always your views on this blog good or bad go to Facebook Country Roots Line Dance Club. or Email Countryrootslinedance@gmail.com

Welcome to the Country Roots Blog In 2022

 Welcome to the Country Roots Blog, this is where I post new line dances that we do from week to week. The first dance is Martha Divine The...