Tuesday 28 January 2014

New Dances

Some New Dances

I have not been to the meetings for a few weeks for one reason or another, but have come back this week and I have miss walk-throughs of a lot of new dances. And this got me thinking why do we needs so many dances? A lot of new dances either get one airing when first released but then just fade away or never see the light of day. should there be a panel that views new dances and rate them , I know that some people will be screaming at their screens about now, which is OK this blog is about putting your views across. either on the comments panel, or on  Facebook Country Roots Line Dance Club. I have found a really good example why there should be a panel to judge the dances, please click the link CLICK HERE  and judge for yourselves.

The picture you are looking at is from Yepee line dance site all the dances you see were released this month and there was 50 to 60 more on the web site.
You can not possible learn all of them, and if you have clicked the link I doubt if you would want to?

Now to the new dances we have done

Dixie Rd
Dance Sheet
Dixie Rd , nice dance it's got the old western line dance feel to it.

I love the music to this dance it's a real bouncy tune which is reflected in the dance there is one part where you do bounce, for me the dance goes a little bit astray because right at the end of the 32 count sequence you have to step lock 3 times while turning half a turn, it's look and feels like the choreographer ran out of ideas right a the end , but that's just my thoughts.

Through The Eyes Of A Child
Dance Sheet
We only touched on this dance late last night Margaret will walk this through on Wednesday I like the music which always helps, there are some dances I can't take to because I don't like the music.

Some of the other dance we did were Shoebox , Joyride, Boys of summer, No Man's Land, and many more(see Labels at the bottom of the page to find links)

Friday 10 January 2014

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Well Country Roots is back after the Christmas break it seems along time since we have the party and last dance session. The new year starts off  another round of new dances to learn, and old ones to remember,that's not always easy. We came back on Monday the 6 of January and as usual the music starts your mind is complete blank, but as you get into the dance so your linedance memory is switched on again.
As well as doing the old standards we have learned two new dances this week
,the first is called Joyride I love the song I could listen to stuff like this all day long. The dances does flow and when you are confident with the steps I think the dance will be really nice. ( see link below for dance)
The  other dance is called Wingman, I won't lie to you this dance is a bit quirky the tempo is strange and there are some odd steps but once have got the tempo in your head its not bad, this will be one of those dances you either love or hate I don't think there is a halfway will this dance.

Welcome to the Country Roots Blog In 2022

 Welcome to the Country Roots Blog, this is where I post new line dances that we do from week to week. The first dance is Martha Divine The...