Wednesday 21 May 2014

A Year Has Passed We Have Dances A Lots

A Year Has Passed We Have Dances A Lots

It has been a year since we started the blog and face book page ( same name ) and I will show you how I keep track of the dances we have done over the last year, they are some dances we learn before the blog started but we have had walk-through's at some point this year I was amazed and I keep the records, I think this is why it can be hard the retain the dances in your head or that you need to go to YouTube and just have a look at the dance again. I could copy and paste a long list into the blog but that would be long winded  so I have made 6 screen grab  pictures from A to Z there are areas which are blank that's because we haven't had a dance that starts with that letter.

As you can see they is a lot that we have done and each week or may be every two weeks we have one or two more to a always growing list. Other dances we did was Mona Lisa , and Boat To Liverpool see video below, and one we haven't done for a while Sunny In Seattle

Not A new Dance  but one I hadn't heard of.

The dance is Amazing Faith By Rob Fowler I honestly don't know what to make to the  dance but here is is.

Saturday 17 May 2014

How Do You Learn a Dance

How Do You Learn a Dance

How do you learn a dance it is interesting how different people learn a  new dance and how some people are just naturally good at teaching other people to do a dance, I do look at the dance script but I will follow the walk-through on YouTube. But even they are the dances that seem hard to do even with walk-though's on YouTube. But when you go to class and Margaret  ( our Instructor ) does her walks-though, to the same dance that you have been struggling with and Margaret's way is  much easier than the one on YouTube that is a great skill to have. At a personal level I have taught friends dances, and I have to say  it's not easy, so the likes of Margaret and Helen and all the other Instructors I for one take my hat off to you all.

New Dances This Week

The first dance The Boat To Liverpool this is the one that so many of us have had the problem with the heel cross, heel hook, heel flick , scuff, hitch cross, I like this dance and once we can do it  I think it will be fine.

Dance Script

The other dance this called Mona Lisa I like this dance but again the are some moves that you need to work at because to me I find it trick in the step kickball step kickball then heel and heel, I can do it but I have to work at it.

Dance Script

When you go to get the Dance Script be sure to get the right one I have marked the correct one see picture below.

Thursday 8 May 2014

When Are You A Dancer?

When Are You A  Dancer?

This question was mentioned this week what makes a dancer?

Someone said this week that your not a dancer unless you can dance to live bands as well as the song that are attached to a particular dance. by that they meant reconise the beats per minute in the song so you can pick a dance to do to the song when the band is playing live.

I personally not agree with this you can be a really good dancer, know all the dances, know what you can and can't dance to within the club or Social night out. if you don't or maybe can't get to hear live bands play it doesn't make you any less of a dancer. Music is music weather live or on disc, it's what you do when the music is playing that counts.

Are Some Dances Just Crazy?

Our club are doing a dance called Backwards this is the dance that the line dance troop did on Britain's Got Talent, on Copperknob  the dance is listed as the fastest dance in the world, there's not much to the dance it is just the speed of the dance,the members can do the dance but it is a struggle and to me dancing should be enjoyable not a battle to get all the steps in as fast as you can, the other thing people might not have thought of is you could get injured trying to do the steps.

Wednesday Afternoon Dance Class

On Wednesday we did a lot of the old dances we haven't done for sometime, and it's only when you do the dance you remember how much you liked the dance, this could be because the are so many dance coming out every week that we get a dance overload. Here are some of the dance we did.
We will start with a new dance we first did on Monday two week ago. And with the Bank Holiday I forgot to put it on the blog. It's calledCame Out Like A Rose .

And many more all the dance sheet can can be obtained from
if you like this blog you can also get invited to our Face-Book page Country Roots Line Dance Club.

Welcome to the Country Roots Blog In 2022

 Welcome to the Country Roots Blog, this is where I post new line dances that we do from week to week. The first dance is Martha Divine The...