Saturday 28 June 2014

New Beginners Class

New Beginners Class
Margaret Gough the owner and Line Dance instructor has started a beginners class at the club on a Monday night from 6.00 PM till 7.30 PM and this week we have been busy making the basic walk-through video for the beginner dances ( see all the dances below) I believe it will really help. Last Monday I was reminded of how line dancing looks so easy to people that  haven't yet tried it. But they have a shock  when they come and try it for the first time, I can remember my learning curve, I didn't know if I was coming or going. But then you start remembering the dances, and you get through the dance without going wrong  is a good feeling.
All Line Dancing Clubs needs new people to join, without younger members in our clubs the clubs can't survive, I enjoy helping new members because as I said a few lines back I still remember what I felt like walking into Margaret's club not knowing anybody, but the members where helpful, I was put in the middle of a line so which ever way I turn I could follow somebody. To anybody that has just started Line Dancing or is thinking about starting, just stick with it you will have a steep learning curve but in a short while it gets better. As  Margaret  says “It is a little like learning to drive a car, at first it seems so difficult, but the more you practice the sooner it all comes together..and the easier it becomes” and yes we have all been there...  Now here are the beginner dances

Other Dances We Did This Week

We did a dance called Holding Back The Ocean by Peter  Metelnick and Alison Biggs  this came out 2006. This dance passed me by, and it's not an easy dance to do but I love the music and that always helps. Have a look at the dance and here is a link to get [Dance Sheet ] the dance will bellow

Take Me Away  I like this dance and the song  see Dance Sheet here the is still a problem with these choreographers and their lack of imagination when naming dances as the picture shows

I rest my case . On Monday night the whole class work really hard remembering old dances and learning new ones, here are some of the other dances we did This is me No Man's Land Remember When High Cotton and many more Thank you for read our Blog this week.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

The Clothes We Once Wore

The Clothes We Once Wore

This is an interesting subject in its own way, do you remember going to Events with all the paraphernalia, Boots, Shirt, Hat, and some people went much further than that. I can remember I was working for BT at the Easts of England Country Festival  I have a YouTube clip that can show you better that I can write and explain what I saw. Click Here I met Jed Ford he was really nice man, he give me and the other BT Engineer an access all area passes for the event. The reason I show the clip is to highlight the change in what people wear now days. The last three big events I went to the most dressing up I saw were people wearing hats, You the same people who really made an effort, a man and his partner in the full get up doing Partner Dances you might known who I mean they are always at these events. But the question is why has it changed is it the style of music, has pop music stopped the Country Western side of line dancing, and there for all the cowboy clothes seem inappropriate in the modern age. When I dress up and dance I got so hot with the hat, check shirt jeans I was melting.
I would like to have your views on this subject. Either Comment on the Blog or go to our Facebook Page Country Roots Line Dance Club

New Dance and some Recent Dance

Dance Sheet
This is a tricky dance I'm not sure if I like it the music is great so the dance will come
Some of the other dances we did last night were Amazing Faith| Calm and Collected | Sunny In Seattle | Boat To Liverpool | Eighteen lonely months | High Cotton | and many more besides.
 Please give feed back on Facebook about anything you have read.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

New Dance Old Dance

New Dance Old Dance?

I will talk about this weeks class in a minute, but first I would like to show our member tour web site. In this day and age it is important to have an online present in any club, group, or organization. We have done well in this area. I was looking for research matiral for our latest quiz and I typed in Rob Fowler, and our web site came second in the page ranking see picture below. 
This is because we are active on the internet and this is why we have followers from all over the world and the more times we use our own web site the more we get noticed, and our twitter address  is @countryrootrhyl please if you have a Twitter account log on and follow us because the more followers we have the high we go up the rankings. I will thank you all in advance for you help in pushing your club higher into the  world of the internet.

New and Old Dances

We have done a lot of old dances lately once like Dangerous Curves    Dance Sheet  the song made by the Cherry Bombs which make a lot of comic songs.We also  did Remember When, Amazing Faith  Dance Sheet this are the older dances , We also did a new dance called Calm And  Collected    Dance Sheet  you  can looked at these dances and make your own mind up see.  YouTube videos below.                                    

Other Dances we did were Blueberry Chill , Came Out Like A Rose, Drunk At The Time, Dixie Road, Eighteen Lonely Months,  Mona Lisa, and many more. If you have any comments you can find us on face book Country Roots Line Dance Club. or go to .

Welcome to the Country Roots Blog In 2022

 Welcome to the Country Roots Blog, this is where I post new line dances that we do from week to week. The first dance is Martha Divine The...