Thursday 31 July 2014

Welcome Back With New dance And Some Old Ones Too.

Welcome Back With New dance
And Some Old Ones Too.

Welcome back to Country Roots Line Dance Club, I have returned to the club after 3 weeks off, and have missed a few dances which is a problem when ever you have time off from your dance club. New dance are being taught all the time. so when we go back we have a steep learning curve. but what can we do we need holidays or if you are ill we do the best we can.

The First dance is an old one called A DIFFERENT KIND OF MAN a video doesn't exist and I can only find this one link to the dance steps. ( Dance Sheet ) if you look for yourself be careful there is another dance same name but different choreograph. I like the music the dance is a bit trick but most dance are until you know the steps.

The other dance is called Mile Shy Of Paradise nice dance nice music  not much more to say about it really we will see if it catches on in the live events and social evenings  Dance Sheet  

The other new dance was NO HONKY TONK the dance looks quicker than it is, and not much to the dance we have done the dance a few times now and I like it a lot. Dance Sheet

On Wednesday we have a mini review afternoon which is always useful, Margaret went over Salt & Lime, and many more here a just a few of them | A Boat to Liverpool | Come As You Are | Games People Play

The Beginners Class

The Beginner's class has gone from strength to strength more and more member are joining every week, I have started go to beginners class because it help to have people in the class that know the dances. and it helps you to go back to basics. I have raised this subject before even if a dance is 20 years old, if a member hasn't seen the dance before it is a new dance and has to be learned and we all will carry on learning for as long as we are dancing. 


please get feedback on 

Country Roots Line Dance Club thank you

Saturday 19 July 2014

New Dances For Country Roots

New Dances For Country Roots

I have had a few weeks away from the club so when I when on Wednesday afternoon Margaret did two new dances the first is called Salt and lime I love the music and the dance when I have got the steps it will be great. Dance Sheet
                                                                               The other dance is called Together Forever again a nice little dance the is only this short video of this dance. Dance Sheet

This is a very short blog this week we will be back to normal next week.

Sunday 6 July 2014

New Beginner Class Success

New Beginner Class Success

The response  to the new beginner's class has been encouraging and  the videos which  we have made and posted on our   Facebook  page and our blog will  hopefully help them  to practice the dances and also help them to  understanding  the terminology,  the importance timing also the understanding  and reasons for tags and restarts.
   We are getting people walking into the centre and asking can they join the beginners class because someone else told them about us which is great. As I said in the last blog very club needs new members and maybe not all will say but we should have enough to ensure the clubs  continue!

New Dances This

We did a dance call Piano Man by Robbie McGowen Hickie I love this dance it has a rock & roll beat bit like the dance My New Life no restarts just dance through to the end. As for Farewell To Nova I don't think Margaret was serious about doing this dance it was just to highlight it. You can give your thoughts either on the blog, Facebook Country Roots Line Dance Club and also on Twitter @countryrootrhyl your feedback is important to us.

Dance Sheet                                                                 Dance Sheet

Other dances included :


Welcome to the Country Roots Blog In 2022

 Welcome to the Country Roots Blog, this is where I post new line dances that we do from week to week. The first dance is Martha Divine The...