Sunday 19 October 2014

Why Do We Need A Web Present

Why Do We Need A Web Present

this ever growing world of technology where people can communicate on the move or sitting in a cafe, people want to be connected to the web. We have regular viewer's from all of the world look at our blog. because we are doing the latest dances I try to get the best walk-through's for the dances, and whether you're in UK or United Emirate in is interesting to see what the latest dances are. Recently we have Ladies from Hazel Pace line dance class came to us and ask if they could dance with us for the week there were saying in Rhyl and found us by looking on Google. and it is the same with our twitter account @countryrootrhyl  we have people from all walks of life following us and looking at the dances we do. I know some people say we don't need the internet we were fine without it but the isn't true unless you can find ways to interact with people and share the interests you have with other people the club we died. We need new people in all the time, this is why the beginner's class is really important as this is the first place to get new members into the club. This is where the blog and our Facebook Country Roots Line Dance Club  because the dances are up the people can learn a dance at their own pace.

Beginners Class 
They is still a good class and they are learning at a good rate, probably  a new dance every two weeks see the videos bellow.
and many more see other blogs for the beginner dances.

Advanced Class

This are some of the new dances we are doing lately They Call Me The Breeze by Gay Teather. I like the music I think the dance will be alright when you are comfortable with the steps. The other dance is called Places I've Been there isn't a video walk-through just the music and the dance steps at the moment.Crazy Lady is a quirky dance but I really like it.
Dance Steps   They Call Me The Breeze  Places I've Been    Crazy Lady  and many many more over the course of the night.

As always please give me your thoughts on Facebook at Country Roots Line Dance Club. or email me on

Tuesday 7 October 2014

The Lost Art Of Reading a Dance Sheet.

The Lost Art Of Reading a Dance Sheet.

Hello I was thinking back to when I started Line Dancing the only way to learn a dance  was the dance sheet where you went through the steps and then put the dance together that way. But now we have YouTube with dance troops giving us all these walk-through's of the latest dances, which is great I uses them all the time, and have lost the knack of read dance sheet, I can do a dance from the sheet but I find it easier to which the dance on YouTube. But last week week the wheels came of the bus because Margaret did two new dances which didn't have any videos of the dance so it was back to the dance sheet. And this taught me a valuable lesson to keep the skills of the past as well as using the new media that has come along in recent times.

The Beginner's Class

The Beginners are coming along really well every week they learn something new this week it was Black Coffee which to a sessoned veteron will be easy but when the dance is new to you it is hard to take in.  But the class did well they had the walk-through , we did the dance to the original music and then to a faster sound track, last week they were taught Tush Push, Wheels & Roses, along with a Simple Waltz , in the 8 weeks since this class has been running they have had a very speep leaning curve see below some of this weeks beginner's dances. 


The Advanced Class

The advance class had a revision night going over recent dances such as Down To The River this is a tricky dance lots of weight changes may be when we get the steps the dance grow on me in particular. The other dance that is a bit quriky is Crazy Lady see below for walk-throughs. The other dances we have been doing for a while. That last there is a video for Shadowlands ( see list below )  I will put a link to the dance sheet below the dances.
Crazy Lady Dance Sheet | Down To The River Dance Sheet | Shadowlands Dance Sheet See my other blogs for more walk-throughs
Thank you for looking at our Country Roots Blog Page Please leave any comments on here or on Facebook at Country Roots Line Dance Club Email me on or Twitter @countryrootrhyl  Thanks I will see you soon.

Welcome to the Country Roots Blog In 2022

 Welcome to the Country Roots Blog, this is where I post new line dances that we do from week to week. The first dance is Martha Divine The...