Wednesday 25 November 2015

People That Look At Our Blog

People That Look At Our Blog

It never fails to amaze me at the amount of people that find our blog, the countries  are amazing look at the picture
As you can see the internet is truly world wide just look at the different counties.
This picture shows the page views which is good when you think of all the millions of webpages that are put up on the internet every day, we are holding our own. the reason I say this is because google rate our site every two weeks and we still come on the first page when googling Line Dancing in Wales

Dances From 6.00PM Until 7.30 


| I See Me | This Is Me  |It's High Time  | Red Molly|  | Just For Grins | Rio De Amor|  |California Blues | Sadie's Dress | Ribbon of Highway   |  Walking The Line Can't find dance sheet |

Dances From 7.30 PM Until 10.00PM


H.T.V | Girl Crush  | Hot WheelsPrice Of Admission80 Proof |    | Crazy For You | Good Luck Girl  |

Blog Archives  
This is a short video showing you how to use the archives it is well worth a look.
Country Root feedback
Please can you give me your feedback and give me any dance you like any Events you want advertising thank you. You can also find us on Face book at Country Roots Line Dance Club and on Twitter @countryrootrhyl

Tuesday 10 November 2015

A Weekend Away 

Hello sorry there hasn't been a blog for a while I have been away.
The pictures showing here are when the members from Country Roots Rhyl has a weekend of line dancing in Southport and everyone said what a good time they all had. The pictures here are just some of the pictures that were taken.

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| It's High Time |  | Hot Wheels |  |  Open ArmsParadiseMorning Sun And Memories | Extreme Love | Sadie's Dress | Crazy For You |

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Back From My Holiday Break

Back From My Holiday Break

I just come back from a week in the sun and I'm amazed it took me sometime to get my head into dancing mode, the dances I knew well before my holiday I struggle with for a while. But I believe that our brain is a muscle and it stores pattens subconsciously, so when I was halfway through a dances I knew the steps again, and this was repeated all night long. But this picks up on and interesting question? When I'm home and have to miss a dances class the next time I go I just carry on from where I left off from before. But when coming home from a holiday I really struggle, I thinks it's because when we go on holiday totally switch off from everything we would normally be doing. So when we come home and try to pick up the treads of normal life we need to find the information that has been packed away for the time it's not needed. Has anyone else experienced the same thing?       

From 6PM to 7.30MP


| I See Me | This Is Me  |It's High Time | Baby Kisses  |Cowboy Charleston | Little Bluff | Red Molly| Places  | Memphis Love | Cheap Talk | Just For Grins | River Of Love |

7.30 PM  Till 10 PM

I can't find a link to the harder version of Rio De Amor as yet but I will try for next time
I am having trouble with copperknob every time I go on they I get swapped with adds I have email the site and said I will look for another site that has dance sheets. So just be aware when  going on that site.


 | 80 Proof |Good Luck Girl | Hot Wheels | Little Liza JaneOpen Arms | || Mile Shy Of ParadiseMorning Sun And Memories | I See Me | Sinatra & Chardonnay |Don't Let The Sun Go Down

Friday 28 August 2015

Getting Our Members Ready

Margaret is always telling us that we should “Listen to the music”.... that   is to identify the beat and to understand why and where Restarts and Tags apply, also that dances can be “fitted” to other tracks and how a change of music can revamp old dances, also that the ability of doing this is an advantage when at social events. So with this in mind the improver’s class did some of the old favourite dances to alternative music, i.e.
Just for Grins we did to Alan Gregory’s Johnny Be Good.  Little Bluff which was choreographed to Tracy Byrd’s   “You Lied To Me”, was danced to “Don’t Tell Me What to Do” By Pam Tills and “Ribbon of Highway” to B R 49’s Devil’s Shadow.
This class also learned a new dance “Rio De Amor” (River Of Love) This is a new and easier dance to a John Arthur Martinez song River or Love....
Later the Intermediate class was ‘treated’ the original  dance  El Rio Amor choreographed  to the same track by  Peter Metelnick & Alison Biggs..and that was a whole new ball game!

From 6PM to 7.30MP


| I See Me | This Is Me  |It's High Time | Baby Kisses  |Cowboy Charleston | Little Bluff | Red Molly| Places | Vertical Expression | Memphis Love | Cheap Talk | Just For Grins | River Of Love |

7.30 PM  Till 10 PM

I can't find a link to the harder version of Rio De Amor as yet but I will try for next time
I am having trouble with copperknob every time I go on they I get swapped with adds I have email the site and said I will look for another site that has dance sheets. So just be aware when  going on that site.


| It's High Time | 80 Proof |Good Luck Girl | Hot Wheels | Little Liza JaneOpen Arms | || Mile Shy Of ParadiseMorning Sun And Memories | Rock & Roll King | Eureka |

Thursday 13 August 2015

Big Scare Just Now

Big Scare Just Now

Hello as the Editor of this blog I login all the time, to up load the dances and to write editorial. So you can imagine my shock and horror when I logged on  and saw all the pages that has every been uploaded and the whole site was gone. For a moment I couldn't think what had gone wrong, then I realized I hadn't sign into the Country Roots Account. Phew panic over but it has brought something to talk about. If you lost all of your Digital on line presence, how much would you loose? If country Roots was lost, it would be three years of reference to dances lost that bad, but in the system of things I could  rewrite the pages. Not that I would like to do that. 
But some people store they whole life on-line,documents, pictures, everything that tells us what their are, could be lost in the clouds, or more likely a giant sever in another country. That wouldn't care if your digital life was wiped out. So, as much as it is a pain in the rear end, you should have paper or hard copy's  of all the thing you couldn't imagine loosing and never getting back.

The Improver's Class

That the moment the improver's are doing a lovely little dance call Open The  Box  There isn't anyone with a walk-through yet I might have a work with Margaret Gough and see if the class can make a video of this dance. 

Other dances were It's High Time, Is It Me, see bellow for dances, another nice dance is I. C. ME  I love the words to the song.( just make sure you hear the restarts.)


| I See Me | This Is Me  |It's High Time | Baby Kisses  |Cowboy Charleston | Little Bluff | Stream  | Buffalo Tales | Red Molly| Places | Vertical Expression | Memphis Love | Cheap Talk | Waltz Across Texas | Back And Forth | | Something In The Water 
butterfly Waltz 

The Advanced Class

 The Advanced class as has been learning a nice little dance called Little Liza Jane a long with the others we did last week, such as Hot Wheels, Good Luck Girl. and 80 Proof.

 | It's High Time | 80 Proof |Good Luck Girl | Hot Wheels | Little Liza Jane | Win, Lose or Draw |In-Vince_ible | Open Arms |Nimby| New Dreams |Tuxedo | Play The Lotto|  Truck Stop | Skip The Line | | Heavenly Cha | Hard Work | Mile Shy Of ParadiseMorning Sun And Memories | Rock & Roll King | Slat & Lime | New Shade Of Blue | Modern Romance | One More Day | Homegrown |

Blog Archives  
This is a short video showing you how to use the archives it is well worth a look.
Country Root feedback
Please can you give me your feedback and give me any dance you like any Events you want advertising thank you. You can also find us on Face book at Country Roots Line Dance Club and on Twitter @countryrootrhyl

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Welcome Back After A Short Break

Welcome Back After A Short Break

Hello everyone I'm sorry the blog is a bit late I have been unwell and not able to write the blog. But we are back and there are some great new dances out there at the moment. And we have a land mark for our Blog site we have over 10,000 page reviews for all over the world. while the blog wasn't being written we have had some great dances coming out so we will get straight to them.

The Improver's Class

The class went over some recently learnt dances like This Is Me, Some Thing in the Water,  We have to new Ladies  started this week some we did some easy ones Cowboy Charleston, we all have to start some where.

 BabyKisses  |Cowboy Charleston | Little Bluff |Waltz Across Texas | Islands In The Stream  | Buffalo Tales | Red Molly| Places | Vertical Expression | Memphis Love | Cheap Talk | Waltz Across Texas | Back And Forth | | Something In The Water 
butterfly Waltz 

The Advances Class


The advance class learnt  The first was Good Luck girl by Tina Argyle ,64 count, 4 wall , Improver line dance. I didn't like the dance at first  but the dance grows on you. The other was called Hot Wheels Yvonne Anderson , 48 count 4 wall , Improver. Hot wheels I like because I like the's the Beach Boys track. other dances we have learnt lately are 80 Proof. It's High Time. O.M.D.


Thursday 2 July 2015

Some Old Dance Are Great

Some Old Dance Are Great

As I said in the heading some of the older dances are really good I think there is a myth that the older dance aren't as good as new dances, but I don't think that is always the case, Lately Country Roots Rhyl has been revisiting older dances like Tumbling Rush, Two Bottles Of Beer, In-Vince-ible, on Monday night the class went over Bittersweet Memory, all these dances are really nice to dance, so lets not write these dances off just because their knee might be knocking, as someone remarked to me "Messed Up In Memphis is a dance that will be played at live venues for ever because of the solo guitar riffs in that song, the musicans can show case they skills." And now to things in we did in class

We Do Make A Difference

This is where we at Country Roots can help other people, learn new dances weather they are old or new. The first picture is a screen grab as I was look on you tube for the dance In-Vince- ible, and Country Roots is rated third from the top of the page in terms of intresting items.

This came up in a general search on you tube, the next picture is again a screen grab of a video we made in Country Roots  Rhyl to help our beginners last year, and now it has been viewed over 6000 times which I think is a good result.

The Improver's  Class


Elvira| Baby Kisses  |Cowboy Charleston | Little Bluff |Waltz Across Texas | Islands In The Stream  | Buffalo Tales | Red Molly| Places | Vertical Expression | Memphis Love | Cheap Talk | Waltz Across Texas | Back And Forth | | Something In The Water 
butterfly Waltz 

The Advanced Class

The Advanced class are still revisiting the older dances. But this is a new dance called Open The Box. This will be taught to the Improver's class eventually this is a dance 48 count Beginners /Improver dances by Gaye Teather that would fit a lot of live songs. As yet there isn't any videos out  but I don't think it will be long before one is out. I have made a link to the dance sheet.


Win, Lose or Draw |In-Vince_ible | Open Arms |Nimby| New Dreams |Tuxedo | Play The Lotto|  Truck Stop | Skip The Line | | Heavenly Cha | Hard Work | Mile Shy Of ParadiseMorning Sun And Memories | Rock & Roll King | Slat & Lime | New Shade Of Blue | Modern Romance | One More Day | Homegrown |

Blog Archives  
This is a short video showing you how to use the archives it is well worth a look.
Country Root feedback
Please can you give me your feedback and give me any dance you like any Events you want advertising thank you. You can also find us on Face book at Country Roots Line Dance Club and on Twitter @countryrootrhyl

Tuesday 23 June 2015

More Back To The Future

More Back To The Future

Hello once again in this week’s blog we are looking back at some of the older dances. Dances like Two Bottle Of Beer, it was released 2005, there isn't a video to this dance so I have made a link to the dance sheet. In terms of line dances, ten years is a long time ago. If you look at the amounts of new dances, that are released every week. The last time I checked about 40 new dances are put out every week, not all of them see the light of day, and some don't last very long even if they are spotted. But you do get some dances that stay the distances, and become classics such as Cowboy Charleston, Cowgirl Twist, Islands in the Streams, Vertical Expressions, and so on. The older dances were helped to become established because there weren't as many dances being released in a week as there are now. Which in one way was good, because you got to know the dances really well? Now with so many dances flooding the Internet every week, dances come and go before you really have time to learn them properly. I'm not staying new dances can't stand the test of time and still be remembered in ten years from now. I am staying I think it will be much harder for any dance to become a classic in the new age of line dancing.  

           The Improver's Class 

The class had a revision night going over the recent dances they have learned

Cowboy Charleston | Little Bluff |Waltz Across Texas | Islands In The Stream  | Buffalo Tales | Red Molly| Places | Vertical Expression | Memphis Love | Cheap Talk | Waltz Across Texas | Back And Forth | | Something In The Water |Butterfly Waltz 

The Advanced Class

The class leaned a new dance last night as well as Two Bottles Of Beer ( see link above) which most of the members either hadn't done or couldn't remember, the new dance was Win, Lose or Draw.          Choreographer: Karl-Harry Winson (UK) April 2015, Is a nice dance it flows really well when we know it well enough it has a nice ending to the dance. 

Win, Lose or Draw |In-Vince_ible | Open Arms |Nimby| New Dreams |Tuxedo | Play The Lotto|  Truck Stop | Skip The Line | | Heavenly Cha | Hard Work | Mile Shy Of ParadiseMorning Sun And Memories | Rock & Roll King | Slat & Lime | New Shade Of Blue | Modern Romance | One More Day | Homegrown |

Blog Archives  
This is a short video showing you how to use the archives it is well worth a look.
Country Root feedback
Please can you give me your feedback and give me any dance you like any Events you want advertising thank you. You can also find us on Face book at Country Roots Line Dance Club and on Twitter @countryrootrhyl

Welcome to the Country Roots Blog In 2022

 Welcome to the Country Roots Blog, this is where I post new line dances that we do from week to week. The first dance is Martha Divine The...