Thursday 26 March 2015

Welcome to Country Roots Revision Night

Welcome to Country Roots Revision Night

In our club this week we have a revision night these nights are important because they help you consolidate the dances we are taught as there are so many new dances coming out each week that it's good to go over them. there might have been a dance you miss in class thought holidays, or illness, maybe there's one dance you just get so another walk-though really helps.

The problems of running a Line dance website

With an ever increasing amount of dances being released each week naming the dances is becoming a real problem have a look at the picture and you will see what I mean.
Last week Margaret Gough revisited this dance it's an old dances I haven't done this dance before and I real like this dance. I looked the dance up to put it on the blog page and this is what I found on Copperknob  I think Choreographers should think more about the names of the dances they make because once a dance is named it out they for ever.

The Beginners Class 

I can see a big chance in the beginner's that started when the class was formed some of them stay until the half time in the Intermediate class which is great, every club needs new members coming through at every level other wise the club will die out as the original members are not there any more. Here are some of the dances the beginners did this week 

        After a lot of searching I have found a demo of the Butterfly Waltz it's not in English but the steps are there so it really doesn't matter.

I have put two Waltz Across Texas because the first one gives you a long walk-through and the other one in a good demo.

| Memphis Love | Tush Push | Haunted HeartCheap Talk | Fly Like A Dove  | Waltz Across Texas | Shadowlands |Back And Forth | Sea Cruise | Piano Man | Something In The Water | Lonesome Me | Butterfly Waltz

The Advance Class

The Advance class are doing some great dances at the moment in that section of the night. Dances like  One More Day it has been hard  work to get the timing but we have now, it it's just a wonderful dance. when you do the dance and you do it well, you feel good within yourself,other dances are  Hard Work and Eternal Secret , Don't Close  Your Eyes. all these are  really nice dances  Home Grown is also nice but for some reason people are struggling a bit with is dance but that is what dancing is all about learning new dances, that's the reason we go out on cold winter nights because we love dancing. Here are some of the dances we did.


Don't Close Your Eyes | Walk With Me | Rock &Roll | There's The Door!| Heavenly Cha | Hard Work | Mile Shy Of ParadiseMorning Sun And Memories | Rock & Roll King | Slat & Lime | New Shade Of Blue | Modern Romance | One More Day |Till It's Gone | Eternal Secret  | Homegrown |

Blog Archives  
This is a short video showing you how to use the archives it is well worth a look.
Country Root feedback
Please can you give me your feedback and give me any dance you like any Events you want advertising thank you. You can also find us on Face book at Country Roots Line Dance Club and on Twitter @countryrootrhyl

Tuesday 17 March 2015

A Great Night Out

A Great Night Out

A social was held at the Labour Club Llandudno Junction North Wales. This social night is held on the third Saturday of each month this was the first time I had gone to the dance night, a I had a great night. They had a mixture recorded music and a live band called Kentucky Rain were great they were playing a mix of old and new songs and everybody knew the dances to the songs. Here are just a few of the pictures I took, there will be more on the Country Roots  face book page.

Kentucky Rain

Kentucky Rain

Members Dancing

Partner Dancing

Partner Dancing

More Members on the dance floor

Winning the Raffle

Winning the Raffle

The Beginners Class

The beginner's learned a new dance this week called Memphis Love it's a nice beginner/improver dance you either walk in the dance or you can do a full turn the choice is up to the dancer.There is a demo of the dance but no walk-through. the other dance they revisited was Tush Push
        After a lot of searching I have found a demo of the Butterfly Waltz it's not in English but the steps are there so it really doesn't matter.

I have put two Waltz Across Texas because the first one gives you a long walk-through and the other one in a good demo.

| Memphis Love | Tush Push | Haunted HeartCheap Talk | Fly Like A Dove  | Waltz Across Texas | Shadowlands |Back And Forth | Sea Cruise | Piano Man | Something In The Water | Lonesome Me | Butterfly Waltz

The Advance Class

 We did a nice little Rock & Roll I just happen to like dance that are set to rock and roll and this isn't that hard to learn. The other dance we have been doing but I forgot to put it  but better late than never it;s called Walk With Me I would say it easy but once you have learned it you will like it.


| Walk With Me | Rock &Roll | There's The Door!| Heavenly Cha | Hard Work | Mile Shy Of ParadiseMorning Sun And Memories | Rock & Roll King | Slat & Lime | New Shade Of Blue | Modern Romance | One More Day |Till It's Gone | Eternal Secret  | Homegrown |

Blog Archives  
This is a short video showing you how to use the archives it is well worth a look.
Country Root feedback
Please can you give me your feedback and give me any dance you like any Events you want advertising thank you. You can also find us on Face book at Country Roots Line Dance Club and on Twitter @countryrootrhyl

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Review Night

This week we had a review night for both beginners and advances dance alike. Mainly because the are so many new dances coming out every week, that we need a review night now and again. It give you the opportunity to relearn the dances that you are struggling with. It also help to relearn dances and maybe learn dances that you miss the first time around.
This this really helpful for the beginners as they can struggle to learn a dance but maybe don't like to ask.

Partner Dancing

In our Wednesday class we did a Partner Dance the one we did was Corn Don't Grow.
now I had never done a partner dance so it was interesting, and much harder than I could of imagine even thou we knew part of the dance because it is the same steps as the single dance. The problems start when you need to add in turns, and just dancing with someone else is hard. without a doubt partner dancing is a skill all of it own even thou I struggled I loved it and can't wait to do it again.

The Beginners Class

         After a lot of searching I have found a demo of the Butterfly Waltz it's not in English but the steps are there so it really doesn't matter.

I have put two Waltz Across Texas because the first one gives you a long walk-through and the other one in a good demo.

 Red Molly | Haunted HeartCheap Talk | Fly Like A Dove  | Waltz Across Texas | Shadowlands |Back And Forth | Sea Cruise | Piano Man | Something In The Water | Lonesome Me | Butterfly Waltz |

The Advance Class



There was many more but I can't list all the dances there would to many

 There's The Door!| Heavenly Cha | Hard Work | Mile Shy Of ParadiseMorning Sun And Memories | Rock & Roll King | Slat & Lime | New Shade Of Blue | Modern Romance | One More Day |Till It's Gone | Eternal Secret  | Homegrown |

Blog Archives 

This is a short video showing you how to use the archives it is well worth a look.
Country Root feedback
Please can you give me your feedback and give me any dance you like any Events you want advertising thank you. You can also find us on Face book at Country Roots Line Dance Club and on Twitter @countryrootrhyl

Tuesday 3 March 2015


MASONIC HALL, MELIDEN LL19 8LA How this annual line dance began! Way back in 2003 I asked Margaret if she would help me to raise the money needed to bring two little girls from Belarus here to Prestatyn in North Wales.
When Margaret met the children and learned more of their story she decided that she wanted to do a fund-raising event each year. She thought that an annual line dance for the charity was the ideal answer to achieve her goal of bringing 2 children over for a month every year. The line dancing club, Country Roots, started by Margaret and her late husband Brian were all in favour of helping and so their story began.
Since those first two little girls Margaret and Country Roots have held their annual fundraising dance and also several other sponsored line dances. With all their hard work and dedication they have raised over £13,000, this means that 22 children from Belarus and now Northern Ukraine, have benefited by staying here in North Wales for four weeks each year since 2003.
Come and join us for a great evening there will be” taster” sessions for anyone willing to give it a go
If you do join in they promise not to be too hard on you !!!
And for those of you who might need a bit of Dutch courage there is a bar at the Masonic Hall.


The Beginners class learned a new dance at least it was for them call Haunted Heart I know it an old dance for the old hands but for the beginners that have only been dancing for three to four months it's new.
       After a lot of searching I have found a demo of the Butterfly Waltz it's not in English but the steps are there so it really doesn't matter.

I have put two Waltz Across Texas because the first one gives you a long walk-through and the other one in a good demo.

| Haunted Heart Cheap Talk | Fly Like A Dove  | Waltz Across Texas | Shadowlands |Back And Forth | Sea Cruise | Piano Man | Something In The Water | Lonesome Me | Butterfly Waltz |

The Advance Class

The Advance class have been learning two new dances this week the first is lovely the music is to die for and the dance just flows. it's called Heavenly Cha the other one is called There's The Door! and you will need to write the whole thing as it is here.This dance is OK but I don't like the music so that puts me off a bit see what you think.

 There's The Door!| Heavenly Cha | Hard Work | Mile Shy Of ParadiseMorning Sun And Memories | Rock & Roll King | Slat & Lime | New Shade Of Blue | Modern Romance | One More Day |Till It's Gone | Eternal Secret  | Homegrown |

Blog Archives  
This is a short video showing you how to use the archives it is well worth a look.
Country Root feedback
Please can you give me your feedback and give me any dance you like any Events you want advertising thank you. You can also find us on Face book at Country Roots Line Dance Club and on Twitter @countryrootrhyl

Welcome to the Country Roots Blog In 2022

 Welcome to the Country Roots Blog, this is where I post new line dances that we do from week to week. The first dance is Martha Divine The...