Tuesday 23 June 2015

More Back To The Future

More Back To The Future

Hello once again in this week’s blog we are looking back at some of the older dances. Dances like Two Bottle Of Beer, it was released 2005, there isn't a video to this dance so I have made a link to the dance sheet. In terms of line dances, ten years is a long time ago. If you look at the amounts of new dances, that are released every week. The last time I checked about 40 new dances are put out every week, not all of them see the light of day, and some don't last very long even if they are spotted. But you do get some dances that stay the distances, and become classics such as Cowboy Charleston, Cowgirl Twist, Islands in the Streams, Vertical Expressions, and so on. The older dances were helped to become established because there weren't as many dances being released in a week as there are now. Which in one way was good, because you got to know the dances really well? Now with so many dances flooding the Internet every week, dances come and go before you really have time to learn them properly. I'm not staying new dances can't stand the test of time and still be remembered in ten years from now. I am staying I think it will be much harder for any dance to become a classic in the new age of line dancing.  

           The Improver's Class 

The class had a revision night going over the recent dances they have learned

Cowboy Charleston | Little Bluff |Waltz Across Texas | Islands In The Stream  | Buffalo Tales | Red Molly| Places | Vertical Expression | Memphis Love | Cheap Talk | Waltz Across Texas | Back And Forth | | Something In The Water |Butterfly Waltz 

The Advanced Class

The class leaned a new dance last night as well as Two Bottles Of Beer ( see link above) which most of the members either hadn't done or couldn't remember, the new dance was Win, Lose or Draw.          Choreographer: Karl-Harry Winson (UK) April 2015, Is a nice dance it flows really well when we know it well enough it has a nice ending to the dance. 

Win, Lose or Draw |In-Vince_ible | Open Arms |Nimby| New Dreams |Tuxedo | Play The Lotto|  Truck Stop | Skip The Line | | Heavenly Cha | Hard Work | Mile Shy Of ParadiseMorning Sun And Memories | Rock & Roll King | Slat & Lime | New Shade Of Blue | Modern Romance | One More Day | Homegrown |

Blog Archives  
This is a short video showing you how to use the archives it is well worth a look.
Country Root feedback
Please can you give me your feedback and give me any dance you like any Events you want advertising thank you. You can also find us on Face book at Country Roots Line Dance Club and on Twitter @countryrootrhyl

Thursday 18 June 2015

Just Because A Dance Is Old?

Just Because A Dance Is Old?

Hello the headline of this weeks blog, just because a dance it's an old doesn't mean it's past the use by date. For the last couple of weeks Country Roots Rhyl have been look at the  old dances, some from the late 90's and  2000's, and some of these are really nice dances. So I think it's time we at on Country Roots Blog did some recycling with these older dances. The improver's have learnt You Little Bluff Robbie McGowan Hickie 2010 that's five years ago,I remember learning that when it was new, it's still a nice dance. going back further in time  Dangerous Curves  click here if you can't remember how it goes  We have been learning Nimby , Open Arms uploaded to you 2009, New Dreams , In-Vince-ible, 2003 a really nice dances. (see these dances below.) The point is they are really good dances and they get left behind and it's a shame that it's only when we have review nights they ever see the light of day.  

The Improver's Class



In-Vince_ible | Open Arms |Nimby| New Dreams |Tuxedo | Play The Lotto| In-vinc-ible | Truck Stop | Skip The Line | | Heavenly Cha | Hard Work | Mile Shy Of ParadiseMorning Sun And Memories | Rock & Roll King | Slat & Lime | New Shade Of Blue | Modern Romance | One More Day | Homegrown |

Blog Archives  
This is a short video showing you how to use the archives it is well worth a look.
Country Root feedback
Please can you give me your feedback and give me any dance you like any Events you want advertising thank you. You can also find us on Face book at Country Roots Line Dance Club and on Twitter @countryrootrhyl

Sunday 14 June 2015

Yippee More New Dances

Yippee More New Dances

Hi everyone this is a short introduction this week as they are new dances some we did last week. and some old dances I haven't heard of. So we start with the improver's doing Island in the stream. and revisit Waltz Across Texas. 

                               The Improver's Class                                                             


Waltz Across Texas | Islands In The Stream  | Buffalo Tales | Red Molly| Places | Vertical Expression | Memphis Love | Cheap Talk | Waltz Across Texas | Back And Forth | | Something In The Water |

The Advance Class

We did a new dance called Tuxedo This is a nice dance proper country music and I have one video of the dance we also I will give you a link to Be  Strong because I can't embed the code it has been disabled. BeStrong The rest of the dances should be OK. Nimby this is an old dance I'm not sure of the age maybe someone could tell me. OK the rest of the dance


Nimby| Tuxedo | Play The Lotto| In-vinc-ible | Truck Stop | Skip The Line | | Heavenly Cha | Hard Work | Mile Shy Of ParadiseMorning Sun And Memories | Rock & Roll King | Slat & Lime | New Shade Of Blue | Modern Romance | One More Day | Homegrown |

Blog Archives  
This is a short video showing you how to use the archives it is well worth a look.
Country Root feedback
Please can you give me your feedback and give me any dance you like any Events you want advertising thank you. You can also find us on Face book at Country Roots Line Dance Club and on Twitter @countryrootrhyl

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Lets Go Dancing

Lets Go Dancing

Well after all the Bank holidays Country Roots Rhyl is back, we have had so much disruption due to bank holidays because the centre doesn't open on those days, and very year we have the same problem.

But never mind were are back and we're doing some new dances and some old dances that we have forgotten about.
They is also a change in the way Country Roots Rhyl will write about the beginners because this will just about be the last time it will be used, because the people that have stay the course aren't beginners now they're Improver's, they have been dancing for 8 months, and stay at least until the half time break. 

The  Improver's Class

As well as going through the recent dances like Buffalo Tails, Places, and Vertical Expression and now Islands In The Stream the dance is listed as an Improver dance so the level is just right.


 Islands In The Stream  | Buffalo Tales | Red Molly| Places | Vertical Expression | Memphis Love | Cheap Talk | Waltz Across Texas | Back And Forth | | Something In The Water |

The Advanced Class

The Advances class  learned a new dance which is nice I think this is one of those dances that will grow on you it's called Play The Lotto by Diana Dawson 32 count Improver dance. The  other is an old dance 2003,  IN-VINC-IBLE Peter & Alison 64. count.4 wall. I have written in capitals because that's how it is on the dances sheet. there is only the one video of the dance that I can find, so it will do.


Play The Lotto| In-vinc-ible | Truck Stop | Skip The Line | | Heavenly Cha | Hard Work | Mile Shy Of ParadiseMorning Sun And Memories | Rock & Roll King | Slat & Lime | New Shade Of Blue | Modern Romance | One More Day | Homegrown |

Blog Archives  
This is a short video showing you how to use the archives it is well worth a look.
Country Root feedback
Please can you give me your feedback and give me any dance you like any Events you want advertising thank you. You can also find us on Face book at Country Roots Line Dance Club and on Twitter @countryrootrhyl

Welcome to the Country Roots Blog In 2022

 Welcome to the Country Roots Blog, this is where I post new line dances that we do from week to week. The first dance is Martha Divine The...