Wednesday 31 July 2013

New Comment Box.

Comment Box Trouble

 The web site had some problem's with the comment box and the fact that you need a Google account, well I think I have solved the problem now I need you all to leave comments in the top right hand corner. There are comment boxes please use the one on the home page thank you.
The Club learnt a new dance today I will put link up both in this post and in the dance page.
The Dance is called Dream I Dream.  You Link   Dream I Dream 


We have a propper web address



Tuesday 30 July 2013

The Trouble with Blogging

The trouble with blogging

Some people have had trouble making a comment on our blog I has yet I'm not sure why but I will sort it out and get back to you on the reason why that should be.

New Dances we learnt some new dances this Monday 29th the first  dance was called Old Sunshine  Music: Sunshine” by Charlie LandsboroughChoreographer: Robbie McGowan Hickie  48 counts 4 walls. (UK) July 2013.
              Old Sunshine                

Old Sunshine

Second dance was called All Night  to Get  There.  count: 64     2 : wall Level : Intermediate
Choreographer: Roz Chapin UK) June 2013  Music: All Night To Get There – Craig Campbell

All To Get there

There is also a video of my Canal crossing in our video page it will be there for a while then I will remove. If anyone else has a good video it can be uploaded to this page for a while.

Sunday 28 July 2013


The Trouble  With YouTube

There has been some problems with YouTube around the making of video walk through Well it's has been sorted out problem solve. The rules are if I record a demonstration walk through and then edit that video and post that recording on line that is fine because it is a live event, if I then overlay a sound track to that video to enhance the musical sound this is where the disputes starts . so as long as we stick to the rules we we be fine. What demo would you like to do next send me comments please see the short video on this post about making a comment. 

Thursday 25 July 2013

Heat wave

The Trouble  With YouTube

There has been some problems with YouTube around the making of video walk through Well it's has been sorted out problem solve. The rules are if I record a demonstration walk through and then edit that video and post that recording on line that is fine because it is a live event, if I then overlay a sound track to that video to enhance the musical sound this is where the disputes starts . so as long as we stick to the rules we we be fine. What demo would you like to do next send me comments please see the short video on this post about making a comment. 

Wednesday 24 July 2013

New Logo

We have a new Logo

We have changed the clubs logo which is not unusual in the early stages of a new website Tell me what you think , give me some feedback good or bad I can take.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Members and there Demo

The club did there first video demo last week.

They all enjoyed watch themselves back as we are not use to seeing our selves on screen yet. Once again the evening was so hot it really was hard to think of the dances, we already have our next walk through planed, the more we do the better organized we will become.
I have had lots of photos from day gone by, of past line dancing venues from all over the country. have a look and as I get time I will put more online. see you soon.

Friday 19 July 2013



Wednesday My It's So Hot

At the Wednesday meeting it was really hot a bit too hot to dance really, but we are a hardy  lot I though Margaret would go for some slow one but no mainly quick one but it's good for stamina.
We didn't learn any new dances which was just as well as we struggled to concentrate.

Thursday 18 July 2013

Making A Demo Video


Make a Demo walk through

 On Monday 17th of July we made a video of  That's Where I'll Be the walk through and then the dance after, is was funny looking at all the half nervous smiles being videoed is something people are not used to, well not in our club, but after hours of editing and cutting out the out-takes it looks great is good to move line dancing into the modern age.

Link to the video That's where I'll Be Demo

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Learning by video

New Ways To Learn

Hello we had our normal Monday night meeting 15th of July, we learnt two new dances, the first was Cha Lay Low by Rep Ghazali-Meaney music Lay Low by Blake Shelton .A beginner's dance, just a tricky restart you feel you should be going forward but you have to restart going backward. Cha Lay Low click to see new dances

The second dance That Girl by Tina Argyle the music that Girl’ by Kevin Fowler. The dance is nice but tricky the timing and the intro are the things you need to work that.That Girl click to see new dances

Do you think learning theses dances from a YouTube walk-through is wrong or just the new way. Is it the end for the dance script you can contact me and I will put your replies on the blog.

Friday 12 July 2013

Wednesday meeting

New dances

Wednesday july10th the Wednesday members started to learn the dance "That Girl" the dance is alright but the intro is a bit tricky, and of course the ate two restarts but that is the way for a lot of modern line dances.

Thursday 11 July 2013

First in new website

Welcome to the first post on our new website

Last Monday July 8th the temperature was so high in the hall the wasn't any new  walk through's for dances, because the members could concentrate because of the heat.So it turn into a social night with slow dances, and very old dances, you know the ones, you can do them in your sleep. now and again Margaret Gough the owner and instructor would put and fast new one on just to keep us on our toes.

Welcome to the Country Roots Blog In 2022

 Welcome to the Country Roots Blog, this is where I post new line dances that we do from week to week. The first dance is Martha Divine The...