Tuesday 30 July 2013

The Trouble with Blogging

The trouble with blogging

Some people have had trouble making a comment on our blog I has yet I'm not sure why but I will sort it out and get back to you on the reason why that should be.

New Dances we learnt some new dances this Monday 29th the first  dance was called Old Sunshine  Music: Sunshine” by Charlie LandsboroughChoreographer: Robbie McGowan Hickie  48 counts 4 walls. (UK) July 2013.
              Old Sunshine                

Old Sunshine

Second dance was called All Night  to Get  There.  count: 64     2 : wall Level : Intermediate
Choreographer: Roz Chapin UK) June 2013  Music: All Night To Get There – Craig Campbell

All To Get there

There is also a video of my Canal crossing in our video page it will be there for a while then I will remove. If anyone else has a good video it can be uploaded to this page for a while.

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