Thursday 15 August 2013

Monday and Wednesday in One Blog

Monday and  Wednesday in One Blog

Well I can't tell you much about Monday really Got there late had a bad hip after an hour I went home. But it was good to see the dance fool was packed I was dancing in a different place to where I normally stand and it felt strange, not sure why it just did. This got me thinking how all of us like routine , stand in the same spot you can remember the dance easier then somewhere else. Is this the reason when we go to another event the dance you know so well in the club seems strange and you might struggle. 

Long Time Gone    



Well enough  of Monday, Wednesday  more interesting We learnt a new dance  call  Long Time Gone is nice I like it is a bit quirky and the fazing of the music goes off a bit but it ends OK and once you have the hardest part of the dance nailed you will be fine.
This is a link to the dance site BIG DAVE I can't find it on copperknob it is the 4th dance down the page.

Long Time Gone Dance Sheet

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