Saturday 24 August 2013

The First Blog For Thursday Class

The First Blog For Thursday Class

Thursday Morning class  was as usual  great fun but we worked hard walking through  Amsterdam  Moonlight and  Long Time Gone , which  is proving to be a popular dance with members  so thanks to the Choreographer Pat Scott for  that one  but  we  still found time to have a good laugh. I think it's important to have a good time some banter with your friends.

We had a visit from  a B T  engineer  who was doing a survey as to where he could  put his cable...... ..fortunately  Margaret refrained  from telling all ended well!

Margaret ,(The Boss) I like to put a few more aliases in there as well Ha! Ha!.  Won’t be at class for a couple of weeks so...Edna,  with the help of Barbara and Gaynor  will  be putting us through our paces,

Reviewing  new dances and revisiting old favorites....... and while the cats away

You Can Find Your Dances Here.

Amsterdam Moonlight
Amsterdam Moonlight Dance Sheet

Long Time Gone
Long Time Gone Dance Sheet

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