Tuesday 15 October 2013

The March Of The New Dances Goes On

The March Of The New Dances Goes On

Well Monday night brought some new dances they were OK Margaret Gough was going to teach these a few weeks ago but other dances got in the way, one is a nice little dance the other is nice, love the song  the timing is a bit tricky, as a lot of new dances are.

Dance Sheet

The photo from all the recent events and away trips will be put up in the gallery I will try to do it after this post, also I will update the new dances page with all the recent dance we has practiced lately, which isn't as easy as it sounds because of the speed new dances are being released. we learn them and newer dances come out, and so when you run a web-blog you can get swapped.

Copy And Paste in FaceBook

I have made a short video on how to copy and paste any picture on a facebook page


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