Thursday 24 October 2013

When Is Line Dancing Not Line Dancing?

When Is Line Dancing Not Line Dancing?

The blog head line does raise a good question? What is true Line Dancing, and does pop music really lend it's self to line Dancing. Well that will always be a matter for the individual, personally I don't think in general let's say top 40 chart music doesn't, if you listen to the music and watch the videos a lot of the dances are struggling to make the dance steps firstly fit, secondly flow, I say this because it is so important for a dance to flow through to the end of the dance. I don't have and dis-like for pop music I like all genre's and there are a few good pop songs that fit well to line dancing Olly Mur, is a good example of a pop song as opposed to a whole genre of music.

When it comes to line dancing it was made for the songs, and weather you like that individual song it would fit a dance, and flow through the whole song. This can be back up because when you go to a live band event you can dance many of the well know dances and do them to many different country songs, and in my own experience you can't easily do this with pop songs because mainly the dance is design to fit that one song, and even then they are having to put up to three or four restarts in a dance to fit that one song. We did a dance called The Boys Of Summer,(see link below) and in a way it proves my point, you are dancing the dance in the second half of the dance without any tempo to listen to, musical phrasing when away and you were left to count the eight beats sections that isn't line dancing. You can write you views in the comments or go to FaceBook country roots line dance club.

Boys Of Summer Dance Sheet

The Boys of Summer is a dance where the Phasing goes out and you find yourself having to count the beats for about a minute because you will go out in your timing.It might Grow on you as a dance only time will tell.

Sliver Lining
Silver Lining Dance  Sheet
The dance Silver Lining in a nice dance with just one tricky part which you will need to work at but will come with practice, the rest of the dance is fine and the music is nice.

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Welcome to the Country Roots Blog In 2022

 Welcome to the Country Roots Blog, this is where I post new line dances that we do from week to week. The first dance is Martha Divine The...