Tuesday 5 November 2013

Monday Night We Worked Hard

Monday Night We Worked Hard

This is the Blog for Monday 4th Nov 2013. Well it was a cold night out there, the coldest night of the year around here this year. the turn out was good for a cold night and some members are away on holiday. We also had some new dances please see the link lower down this blog. 
I would like to talk about us humans for a bit we are still animal by nature and like to cuddle up to the fire when the weather turns cold. as I have just mentioned it we all came out on a cold night but I nearly stayed in ( I begin the website administrator) but I went and I enjoyed the night, it proved to me that we would all like to stay in doors when it's cold and hibernate, but if you push yourself you will find that you had a great time, I found the same when I did sports didn't fancy training but like it when I got there basically we are all a bit lazy on a cold night.

We was going to look at another dance but didn't have time to learn it, I think it worth look at it. I love the music so that helps because the dance  looks tricky but as yet I haven't dance it so Margaret will disagree I'm sure. Tell me what you think via comments on the website  or face book.

 Other dance we did were  That's Where I'll Be,Shoebox,  Silver Lining,  Long Time Gone, and many more click labels to find links.

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