Tuesday 26 November 2013

The Blog Goes On

The Blog Must Go On?

Hello all my fellow members unfortunately I was not in class last night I was unwell but I have all the inside gossip, and what the new dance is called, the one the class did last night.
It was nice to welcome Mavis back; she has not been well for some time, it was good to see her dancing again.
The class did some revision work going over some of the recent dances such as Oh Fiona, Nobody’s Fool and  Silver Lining, see Links at the bottom of this page,
I have yet see the new dance it's called "The Song" the music is by Gary Barlow. see links below.
Margaret  Gough, the instructor and owner has sent me all the information in an email this is so the blog keeps the continuity for the members who live either else where in the UK and in Europe.

 Dance Sheet       

No Body's Fool
Dance Sheet

Silver Lining
Dance Sheet

The Song
Please see our FaceBook page Country Roots Linedance Club for the Video due to some legal restrictions by You Tube.

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