Tuesday 29 April 2014

Were Are Back From Holiday Blues

Were Are Back From Holiday Blues

Hello we are back after the break I have missed my line dancing learning new dances and we have a new dance coming later in this blog. But first the members had a discussion on our  face-book page   ( Country Roots Line Dance Club) the subject was about people going to event like Welshpool, or  the local Social night out, and not being able to to the dance that is currently on the dance floor, I think at this point I need to sum up the overall theme of the discussion if people like to line dance then they should go to a line dance club and learn the dances properly.
Everyone starts off as a beginner which in class there isn't any problem with, and as they learn more dances they build their own bank of dances. So when they go to an event they can dance without interfering with others and get more enjoyment themselves. The other point that was made was when a line dance Teacher go to a line dance meeting they are not teaching they are there to have fun so when someone blunders onto the dance floor thinking these looks easy and then can't keep up and blunders off again is frustrating.  Because  line dancing is like anything else in life we train hard to do these dances and while they might look simple most of them are the opposite.

The other question is what do you do? Well the short answer is nothing but bit your tongue, if you get a chance to speak with them try persuading them the benefits of going to a proper club. So the next time the person is at the same meeting as you, they might have learned a few dances and don't get in your way, is called looking a the bigger picture, we need people to come to line dance clubs to keep them alive and healthy.

In  doing my research for this blog I have discovered  Wolvestock has been cancelled due to poor ticket sales  
Which proves the point about keeping the clubs alive. Now to happier new the new dance.

The dance is called "Came Cut Like A Rose"

    Dance Sheet

I am not sure about this dance, is it a perfect beginner dance because there is so much that is repeated and you can easy start to dream as we disscued on Face book Country Roots Line Dance Club if a dance does excite you very much then you start to think of other things and then go wrong.
We Mainly had a night of going over new and old dances, some of which are link here.

Sunday 13 April 2014

The Treadmill Of Dances

The Treadmill Of Dances

To all members  I must say sorry for the late post. having said that I have had a busy week.
The heading of this blog called The Treadmill of Dances because the continuation of dances that come out and the dance is poorly thought-out  doesn't flow and they always have lots of tags and restarts. If the dances needs to have 3 or 4 restarts the song it's meant for line dancing. and it doesn't mater weather  is pop music or country, I'm sure if you look through Copperkob you could find lots of examples of poor dances .

However we have some new dances we did last Monday night. It is a good example of what I was talking about this dance is called Waikiki  which has a 16 count tag on a 64 count dances it is 25% of the dance that's madness. see the links below.

Thursday 3 April 2014

A Revision Night

We Had A Revision Night

The first thing I have to say on our blog is a big thank to Gaynor Hulse, (See Right) because Gaynor bravely agreed to take the class for one night. And she was very good, the night was a one of the times when we revisited some of the older dances and some slightly newer dances as well. Gaynor did some teaching she walked though two dances the first was High Cotton ( see link below) and the other one was Margaret Gough's own dance Drunk At The Time  ( see link below). The night when well we did some very very old dances, but like me I came into Line Dancing long after these dances were first written, I just follow the others and learn a dance I didn't know before.

Margaret Gough's New Dance

I can report that Margaret's newly released dance Drunk At The Time  is doing really well I have sent the dance to all the mayor line dance site Copperkob had it as one of the dances on the side of the page as one of the best new dances. Line Dance Newsletter is a big international organization and that had publish the dance as well so we just keep promoting the dance where we can.

Welcome to the Country Roots Blog In 2022

 Welcome to the Country Roots Blog, this is where I post new line dances that we do from week to week. The first dance is Martha Divine The...