Thursday 3 April 2014

A Revision Night

We Had A Revision Night

The first thing I have to say on our blog is a big thank to Gaynor Hulse, (See Right) because Gaynor bravely agreed to take the class for one night. And she was very good, the night was a one of the times when we revisited some of the older dances and some slightly newer dances as well. Gaynor did some teaching she walked though two dances the first was High Cotton ( see link below) and the other one was Margaret Gough's own dance Drunk At The Time  ( see link below). The night when well we did some very very old dances, but like me I came into Line Dancing long after these dances were first written, I just follow the others and learn a dance I didn't know before.

Margaret Gough's New Dance

I can report that Margaret's newly released dance Drunk At The Time  is doing really well I have sent the dance to all the mayor line dance site Copperkob had it as one of the dances on the side of the page as one of the best new dances. Line Dance Newsletter is a big international organization and that had publish the dance as well so we just keep promoting the dance where we can.

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