Tuesday 6 January 2015

Happy New Year Were Are Back.

Happy New Year Were Are Back.

Well another year has started and there are lots of new dances to learn when you have a two week break if makes you realise how much you miss line dancing when the club is closed for the Christmas holidays. But as I say we are back. And there is some exciting news Country Roots W.D.C to give it the full title will 20 years old in September so we are going to have a party with live music, I will make a power Point prestation from all the pictures that the members has amassed over the twenty year. and as the band is playing the pictures will be scrolling all night long.

Sad Loss

One of our members Rita Hulley lost her husband Peter after an Illness you can see the time of the service on the Country Roots Line Dance face book page.

The Beginners Class

Well the beginner started of nice and easy just going over some of the dances they started with. and then some of the harder dance they had learned at the end of 2014 dances like Shadowlands, and Sea Cruise, and Back and Forth. But last night they learned another dance called Baby Kiss this is something different because this dance has Chesterton's toe heel stomps back hitches the lot all in one dance and if you are a beginner the dance will be very challenging see links to the dances below. 

Baby Kiss | Shadowlands | Back and Forth | Cowboy strut | How long |Lamtarra Rumba |
You can see many more dances by go to the top of this page and clicking on the right hand side under the dates and months of previous blogs when a blog is created it stay on the website for ever.

The Experienced Class Members

As with the beginners this week was all about remembering the dances from last year and we did really well over all. We also learned two new dances Once In A Lifetime is a nice dance it has a nice flow to it once you learn the step. the other dance is an old dance called Patient Heart it's about 12 years old and really quick, I like the music to this dance but the is a part where you have to kick-ball change and turn at the same time well I did struggle with that but I wasn't a lone.

The first Patient Heart  is music       This is a walk-through not in English but works.

 Patient Heart | Once in a lifetime | They Call Me The Breeze | Morning Sun Memories | Mile Shy Of Paradise

Just Be Careful

This picture shows just how difficult running a website is and how easy you can make a mistake look how many dances here have the same name the choreographer could name the dance anything why the same as all the rest.

Well once again I hope you find the blog interesting please go to country Roots Line Dance Club on facebook and leave feedback or it gets lonely in cyber-land on my own.


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