Thursday 29 August 2013

Wednesday Reviews

Wednesday Review of your Dances

 On Wednesday 28th of August we went over all the dances we had done in the recent months. But as way of a warm up we did some really old dances like one step forward and two steps back,

How Long. It has been along time since we did these some had a hard time remembering how they started.                                           
One of the reasons we did the older dances was we have two new Ladies come to the Wednesday class and it was a way starting easy and finding their level of line dance skills.

The newer dances were Amsterdam Moonlight  Let's Pray    Long Time Gone  My First Love  all dance walkthroughs and dance sheets are no the Dance Page of this blog.

Saturday 24 August 2013

The First Blog For Thursday Class

The First Blog For Thursday Class

Thursday Morning class  was as usual  great fun but we worked hard walking through  Amsterdam  Moonlight and  Long Time Gone , which  is proving to be a popular dance with members  so thanks to the Choreographer Pat Scott for  that one  but  we  still found time to have a good laugh. I think it's important to have a good time some banter with your friends.

We had a visit from  a B T  engineer  who was doing a survey as to where he could  put his cable...... ..fortunately  Margaret refrained  from telling all ended well!

Margaret ,(The Boss) I like to put a few more aliases in there as well Ha! Ha!.  Won’t be at class for a couple of weeks so...Edna,  with the help of Barbara and Gaynor  will  be putting us through our paces,

Reviewing  new dances and revisiting old favorites....... and while the cats away

You Can Find Your Dances Here.

Amsterdam Moonlight
Amsterdam Moonlight Dance Sheet

Long Time Gone
Long Time Gone Dance Sheet

Friday 23 August 2013

Wednesday Dance Meeting.

Hi guys well on wednesday we learnt another new dance this one is called My First Love is a really nice dance by Robbie Mcgowan Hickie He does make some nice dances, this dance has been out since May 2013  and is now  at 6 in the top ten Line Dances Charts, you can see the relevant information with the link  I will put on the blog.

                          There is not a meeting on Monday as it is a Bank Holiday the next meeting will be the following Wednesday the 28th.

Then there will be a period of not having any more new dances to learn for a while, so we can pratice all the dances and get them perfect for when Margaret  returns from her holiday.

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Monday Night Dances

Two New Dances

Hi Guys well here we are again, as I sit writing the blog I can't believe another week as gone by it only seems a few days not seven . last night we learnt two dances one really quick and one bit awkward, having to do steps that doesn't come natural. The Awkward one is called Amsterdam Moonlight The quick dance is  called Let's Pray, and yes I know it's a new dance but until the class really know the steps it feels like your just waving your legs about because it is so quick, our teacher Margaret Gough tells us is not as quick as it looks it is for the moment quick enough.


Thursday 15 August 2013

Monday and Wednesday in One Blog

Monday and  Wednesday in One Blog

Well I can't tell you much about Monday really Got there late had a bad hip after an hour I went home. But it was good to see the dance fool was packed I was dancing in a different place to where I normally stand and it felt strange, not sure why it just did. This got me thinking how all of us like routine , stand in the same spot you can remember the dance easier then somewhere else. Is this the reason when we go to another event the dance you know so well in the club seems strange and you might struggle. 

Long Time Gone    



Well enough  of Monday, Wednesday  more interesting We learnt a new dance  call  Long Time Gone is nice I like it is a bit quirky and the fazing of the music goes off a bit but it ends OK and once you have the hardest part of the dance nailed you will be fine.
This is a link to the dance site BIG DAVE I can't find it on copperknob it is the 4th dance down the page.

Long Time Gone Dance Sheet

Thursday 8 August 2013

Which is best Old or New

Are the older dance better than now?

I would like to start a debate about whether  new dances are better than the old ones, what do you think about restarts, and why the dances have so many. There could be two reason for this, one is the music we dance to now is more modern pop orientated  even the country western music is more pop than it was, and so the music is more complicated.So the choreographer of the dance has to reset the count and beat to make sure the tempo say on track, so they just start the dance at a certain point in the dance, this is how  you get anything from 1 to 3 restarts in a dance. 

The other reason is more controversial, Line Dancing is now world  wide, you have 40 to 50  new dances coming out every week. this will lead to horrible dances being released on the internet. With the lack of any regulations about how you controls the standard of new dances, well then may the only way for the standard of line dancing to go is down, to compare  for instances Cotton Eye Joe. which is an old dance That's Where I'll Be. a really new dance but much harder to get right. Tell your thoughts don't be shy let rip. let the debate start here. I have been testing how many words can you type in the comment box well the answer is hundreds so don't hold back and will put the best comments on the next blog.

                                                                Cotton Eye Joe

A new dance we did on Wednesday

Voodoo Jive

Voodoo Jive Dance Sheet

I love the dance  I can't properly yet, the dance is so quick you will have to know all the steps really well than you will get it nailed.

Tuesday 6 August 2013

New Dances for Monday

Well another week has gone

The Monday night members learnt one new dance and walkthrough one form last week. The music is nice the dance is one of those that will have to grow on you, may be when we have dance it a few times it will get easier and start to like it, some dances are like that, where you are not sure ? and others you like instantly.

The other dance we did was All night to get there is a nice dance I hope the member will like it.

All Night to Get There 

YTD you tube downloader

Downloading YouTube Videos

Some members have asked about downloading YouTube videos. So I have made a short video of how to download, convert, and reduces the length of a video If you get a teaching walkthrough video but only want the music.

Welcome to the Country Roots Blog In 2022

 Welcome to the Country Roots Blog, this is where I post new line dances that we do from week to week. The first dance is Martha Divine The...